LED landscape lighting has become a popular topic of discussion lately. the benefits are impressive, a standard 12V low voltage lighting system can use upwards of 1200W, while an equivalent LED system can accomplish virtually the same effects using 1/4 of the wattage. What does this mean? Quite simply it means overall long term savings. Typically around %50 based on today's electricity costs. The upfront costs are usually higher, but if you plan on being in your home for the long haul, or if you're looking for green credits, LED landscape lighting is worth considering. One industry concern however has been the lumen output of the pathway lights, as most use either a single contact bayonet, or a JC pin bulb, two bulb styles that don't have much universal appeal, hence not much financial backing behind them. As manufacturer's struggle to catch up, Nite Scenes has found a solution in the TOP DOG, a spot light fixture with a stem similar to those of traditional pathway lighting, which accepts an MR-16 bulb. The MR-16 bulb has 100's of applications (both indoor and out) so many more R&D dollars have gone into refining it's LED version. Over the next few years we will see great advances in LED landscape pathway lighting but for right now the TOP DOG is an extremely attractive option when you want the benefits of LED without giving up the effects of a typical 12V system.